Tsundoku is a Japanese word for when you acquire a fuck-ton of books in your home, let them pile up on shelves (or closets, or floors) without reading them. And I’ve got more than a touch of it.
Here’s a few of the hundreds of books on my shelves or on my e-reader that need to be digested. I’ve committed to not letting these sit unread. Furthermore, I’ve committed to not being what my wife calls a hoarder of knowledge – see my blog for more on that. If you stick around, you’ll see more reviews of these books, along with essays on how they speak to one another, the concepts they tackle, and why they’re relevant to me, or you, or the whole damn species.
I have books by anticapitalists:
Books about the present, and possible futures:
About American history (but not always as you and I knew it):
About the world – its struggles, triumphs and revolutions:
And I like I said, there’s a buttload more of them. I’ll add more as I can. Maybe you can help me pick out what’s next. Contact me on Social Media or by email if you have a suggestion: